How to Multi-Mic

How to Multi-Mic

With our latest software update, Audigo can now support recording with up to four of our wireless smart microphones at the same time, all connected to the same iPhone. Sounds awesome, so how do I do it? Here’s some tips:

Recording Vocals

Recording Vocals

A great vocal performance can make or break a song. And recording vocals is an art that takes practice and preparation. Here are some tips for achieving great sounding vocals with Audigo.

Microphone Placement + Level Setting

Microphone Placement + Level Setting

Proper microphone placement is essential for recording great sounding audio, whether for video or music or audio only purposes. And being wireless, the Audigo smart microphone makes it extremely easy to put the mic just where you want it. To optimize your recording process, it is important to understand the basics of how the microphone works and some best practices for mic placement while recording.

Multitrack Recording with Audigo

Multitrack Recording with Audigo

Multitrack recording is an essential process in music production. It allows for individual instruments and vocals to be recorded and mixed separately, enabling overdubs (recording and stacking multiple takes of a sound to make it thicker) and re-records of poor takes.